Davis-Besse Atomic Energy Camporee

Davis-Besse Atomic Energy Camporee

Thank-you for your interest in the Davis-Besse Atomic Energy Camporee !!

    This Camporee is designed to introduce Scouts and Scouters to the fascinating and sometimes misunderstood field of atomic energy. The event is hosted by the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, located in Ottawa County, Ohio. The staff is made up of dedicated employees, many of whom are active Scouters themselves. The event begins on Friday evening and finishes up after chapel services on Sunday morning.
    Saturday is a full day of activities with Scouts completing the requirements for their Nuclear Science merit badge. Staff from the Black Swamp Bird Observatory also deliver a bird presentation for the Scouts.

Please check back in the Spring 2025 for information on the next
Davis-Bessie Atomic Energy Camporee
which should be scheduled for the Fall of 2025

We normally have about 220 Scouts and Scouters attend the event

Check out Comments from previous Atomic Energy Camporees
Take a look at:

May 2011 Davis-Besse newsletter coverage
Camporee Pictures
Registration Status:



The first 160 PAID Scouts are guaranteed a reservation for this event. Do not send a registration form if the registration status indicates CLOSED. Please limit the number of Scouts to 25 to allow for maximum troop participation.

Do not send a registration form if the registration status indicates CLOSED. The following Troops are registered for this event:

Information & Forms (in MS Word format) to download (all have been updated for 2024)  
Atomic Energy Camporee Registration Form   [ download form ] Camporee Meals
Camporee Rules & Regulations  [ download file ] Camp Sabroske
Merit Badge Pre-Requisites [ download pre-requisites ]
 [ download maps ]
Camporee Schedule of Events 
[ download schedule ]
    4405 W. Touissant North Road
    Oak Harbor, OH 43449-9371
  Camp Sabroske Weather          (weather for nearby Oak Harbor)
Questions about the Davis-Besse Atomic Energy Camporee?
Conact: Randy @
       E-Mail: rburk@woh.rr.com
       Phone: 567.525.5073
If there are any problems with this website please notify either the WEBMASTER or Mr Burk. Thank you